Thursday, July 16, 2020



After studying for four years at the university, severed my nation (NYSC) for a year. 5 years down the line I don't have a job. In a year, I applied for more than 50 jobs none I ever got. Now covid 19 has made jobs & work unavailable but I still survive. I still have something to live for and something to do.

You want to know how?  

Maybe it's not the job. 
Maybe it's the skills you lack. 

Maybe it's the job. 
If it's the job, you can change it. 

However, in the 21st century business world, people are now making more money from skills than jobs. And due to this, jobs are now including what they call "JOB SKILLS" to their requirements. 

The more skillful you are at your job, the more likely you're to earn more money for yourself. 

What is a skill in the first place? 

In simple terms, skill is the ability to do something well, You can be skillful at anything you put your mind on even if you're not good at it in the first place. You need relevant knowledge to be skillful. Skill is very important in the life of every human being. The reason why many technicians earns more than some university graduates is because the technicians acquire more practical skills than the theories, unlike the graduates who were fed with theoretical experiences while in the universities. A skill can take you to places you do not expect you will find yourself. 

Irrespective of how much you're currently making at your job, you need a skill. You need to find something and be good at it outside going to work from 9am to 5pm. 

There are different skills out there that are paying well. 

Looked at some of the top marketable skills in the 21st century:  

Consultancy, public speaking, online marketing, coding and programming, writing, entertainment, recycling, statistical analysis and data mining, fashion, baking, furniture making, livestock, agriculture/farming, fishery, blogging, graphic designing and a whole lot of them. 

You need to learn one or more skills outside your job! 

Today, there are many unemployed graduates in the country. This is partly as a result of our long system of education that is more of grammar and not much practical learning.  It is evident that the highest number of unemployed is found in the African Continent. The truth remains that the major causes of the unemployment among our vibrant youths is lack of skill to back up what we have learnt from our various institutions of learning. When we graduates were still in school, we did not border to learn at least one single skills, maybe that which is related to graphic designing, typing, hair dressing, electrical maintenance and others. If we have learnt any skill at all, the rate of unemployment will reduce drastically among us.


Here are 10 things a skill can do to you

1) Make you more productive

2) Increase your income by 20% and even more. 

3) Serve as a side hustle, and a safe landing after retirement. 

4) Empower you to access business grants, own your own business, and expand it! 

5) Connect you to people and help you build relationships and gain opportunities you will never had access to while on job. 

6) Helps you to become financially free and stable. 

7) Make you become an expert at a thing and attract others to what you do and also provides you an opportunity to train them and make more money. 

8) Helps you develop your self on what you're most passionate about. Studies shows that over 80% of people hate their jobs. They just do it for the pay. 

9) Challenges you to be mentally engaged and draw to yourself different sources of income. The average millionaire has 7 sources of income and all those are drawn from skills outside his job. 

10) Makes you influential and sort after. 

The year is half way gone, you can make a decision to learn one or two skills and be very good at it. This skill can be a life safer. 

Imagine the tons of graduate our universities are churning out with no jobs to absorb them, or imagine the number of people going to jobs that frustrate them, or is it the number of retiree that keep going to the pension board for their pensions and have nothing to fall back to? 

To encourage others, just share the link with friends. Someone will take a step because he or she saw this post on your timeline. Be a blessing by sharing. 

                                                                  We can make our life more exciting. 
                                                                  We can make more income from skills acquisition. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020




The story was told of  a poor  man who wrote a book at the age of 40 and decided to launch it on his Birthday.

He had no money to fund the launch and so he decided to seek help from a Millionaire in his community. He made a visit to the Millionaire's home and after they exchanged pleasantries, he told his host what brought him. The Millionaire told him to take out a piece of paper and pen. 

He said, " I will give you a test. If you pass it, I will give you the money you need and if you fail, I will still give you the money" He then told him to write down the names of 10 people who could give him 10,000 each for his book during the launch. Surprisingly, the man could not write even 3 names.

Now, take a glass of water and let me show you something..

It is not enough to have talent and skills. You must understand the power of building valuable relationship.

"It was a wise man that said, your network is directly proportional to your net worth"

Relationship is a currency. Relationship is a stream of income. Everything in this life actually reproduces on the basis of relationship.

See eh, Who likes you in this life matters.

Men are lifted through men. Many of us are talented but we lack a cup bearer to tell the King that there is a Joseph that can interpret dreams. Who you know matters a lot in this life. Don't say it doesn't matter. It does. There are heights and opportunities you will never attain if you don't understand the power of Keeping Valuable Relationships .

When they say, turn and greet your neighbor, Oga, you don't even know who you are talking too oh..

That might be the CEO of a company. And sometimes, we just despise people based on the standards we use to judge them. Have this wisdom am sharing with you. That person you sit with in class and just look down on, you don't know who they know oh Sometimes, it takes just a recommendation to change your story.

There's nothing that has been replaced with men. The reason why demons have something to do is because of men. Men in themselves are not perfect but its still not a reason to leave them. The attitude of men good/bad does not stop you from receiving what they carry.

What money can buy relationship will pay for it 
There are certain things that God has put in men that carries weight weather born again or not. Your destiny is highly men dependent. Your success is highly men dependent. Evil on earth is men dependent.

By implication men come into our lives:
  • Coming of wisdom, ideas & strategies. (ignore the personality) but look out for what he/she carries that will be beneficial to your life. 
  • Endorsements & Opportunities. Who can speak or vouch for you when it is time to do so? You need that one voice that can catapult you with just a three letter word YES.
  • Access to financial & material resources. Money and cloths doesn't fall like manner from heaven, someone is in possession of it. Who do you know to help you get it?

 Don't despise men in Life. You will need them one day. Sometimes those who crown Kings don't look like kings and may never become kings but they can help you wear the crown.

I value you ALL


WHY YOU NEED A SKILL IN 2020 TO MAKE MORE MONEY!  After studying for four years at the university, severed my nation (NYSC) for a year. 5 ye...